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Corso di Laurea Triennale in Scienze Politiche


The President of the course is prof. Anna Pettini


The Vice President of the course is prof. Micaela Frulli


The Education Committee is made up of the following professors: Anna PettiniMicaela Frulli, Ivana Acocella, Annick Magnier, Sorina Cristina Soare, Carlo SorrentinoAlberto Tonini


Orientation delegates for prospective students of first cycle (bachelor) degrees: Mauro Campus ( )  Giorgia Bulli  ( )


The teachers coordinating each curriculum are:

-  prof.    Carlo Sorrentino  - communication studies

-  prof.    Alberto Tonini – international studies

-  prof.    Sorina Cristina Soare –political studies

-  prof.   Annick Magnier – social studies


Course's main office: via delle Pandette, 32 (building D1) 50127 Firenze

Students Academic Career office:

last update: 25-Nov-2016
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